May 8, 2019

TEA TIME WITH JULIAN | A slope day recovery playlist in 9 acts

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Songs for May 9


Act 1: Father John Misty – “Nancy From Now On”

Nothing says ‘How did I end up asleep on my friend’s porch?’ quite like a Father John Misty song.


Act 2: The Fray – “How to Save a Life”

Walk home. Reread your texts from the day before. Grieve.


Act 3: Tierra Whack – “Only Child”

Make mean eye contact at a CTB employee because you’ve just about had it! But immediately regret doing so, because they’re just doing their job and have been nothing but polite to you.


Act 4: Lady Gaga – “Shallow”

Attempt a shower (cathartic cry).


Act 5: Rico Nasty – “Smack a Bitch”

Gargle a $5 cold brew and Limebike to Olin.


Act 6: Doja Cat- “MOOOO!”

Realize you were never going to do work and shuffle back home like an ugly nerd.


Act 7: Kill Bill Vol 1 Original Soundtrack (Entire Album)

Watch Kill Bill Vol 1 for the 30th time.


Act 8: Talking Heads – “Road to Nowhere”

Remember that you have a final in 72 hours, oopsie whoopsie.


Act 9: Lizzo – “Good as Hell”

An absolutely sickening banger that I won’t explain.