FOOD WEEK | Understanding How Surroundings Shape Eating Habits

Deciding what, when, and where to eat may seem like a simple task at first. But when our schedule becomes busy with clubs & classes, overwhelmed by personal circumstances, or just unorganized in general, proper and balanced eating habits can often take a backseat. That is why, in preparation for Food Week on Sunspots, I was inspired to apply design thinking towards studying how Cornell students’ eating habits are affected by their surroundings.  

Welcome to the series:
Understanding Surroundings Through Design Thinking
To more effectively present my findings, I condensed interviews with each student into “profiles.” Below are 5 Cornell students who shared their experiences, habits, and thoughts about their diets. ***
At the start, my hypothesis was that because Cornell students are busy, many choose to skip meals or find whatever is closest to them.

DESIIGNER | Not All Netflix Views Are Equal

A week ago, my roommate asked me if he could use my Netflix account. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. He was a friend and I had an account, so of course I said yes. A few days later, it hit me that I was subscribed to a product that could be shared amongst as many people as possible—that not all Netflix users are viewed and accounted for equally. After some research, I learned that amongst the deep sea of products and services that charge a routine fee for membership, Netflix actually stands closer to businesses that try to incentivize paying a bit extra for more shared users (e.g. Spotify) than ones that aim to eliminate all loopholes for sharing (e.g. a Cornell gym membership).