BIWEEKLY JOKES FOR EVERYDAY FOLKS | Super Bowl Special: Biweekly Jokes for Everyday Blokes

First of all, why the bloody hell is this game called football if the least talented player is the kicker? But before I get too miffed, I’d like to tell you all about how this year’s American Football Championship Match will “go down” as you Americans say it. In the first quarter the Eagles will throw some touchdowns. Many touchdowns. Around two to three, I reckon, would be an appropriate estimate for the number of touchdowns that will be scored by the Eagles in the first quarter.

FOOD WEEK | Fall Flavors

I thought of some really simple, fun recipes that everyone should try this fall season! To kick things off, I’ll start with two takes on a seasonal favorite: the pumpkin spice latté. Classic
Prep time: 10 minutes

What you’ll need: Cash, credit, or debit. Put on some clothes, and don’t forget—phone, wallet, keys! Walk down to your nearest Starbucks and order up a Pumpkin Spice Latté.


I went to my friend’s event Tuesday night, a Hillel event, titled “A Funny Thing Happened On My Way to the Middle East,” in which Joel Chasnoff spoke about his life story, and in particular, his relationship to Israel. What started as a stand up bit—typical in its delivery, ingenuity, and laugh-generating ability but atypical in its Jewish-oriented humor—turned into a serious opportunity to discuss Israel in a safe space among mostly Jewish students. I had a ball in the first half of the event, chuckling to myself, sometimes even letting out a snort. During the second half, however, I listened intently, as this was one of my first opportunities of the year to be in dialogue about Israel in a conversation that was not necessarily among friends. On the State of Israel, Jews across the globe fall along a wide spectrum, and on what Zionism means, those in the Jewish diaspora struggle to define a term upon which we can all agree.


At this point in my budding blog I should probably add that these posts are not jokes—they are meant to highlight the contradictions surrounding campus life. Ahh, The Greek Reformer. Is it a magazine? Is it an underground religious organization during the Hellenistic period of ancient Greece? No, The Greek Reformer, in fact, is just like a regular Cornellian who roams the quads and complains about prelims. What distinguishes this Cornellian, though, is the gap between what he or she thinks versus what he or she puts into practice.

BIWEEKLY JOKES FOR EVERYDAY FOLKS | How Cornell Markets Liberal Arts

It really is something to chuckle at, the way Cornell speaks about liberal arts. Specifically within the College of Arts and Sciences, there exists an issue with the rhetoric surrounding our breadth and depth requirements, which I argue stems from our grade-centered education. Ideally, I would care much more about the quality of my education, about my intellectual growth each semester, than I do about my grades. Unfortunately, I am hyper aware of the importance of my grades—their influence on how others view and judge me—and their influence on my future. Whether or not I learn a lot in a class, I have been trained since high school to desire outside recognition of my accomplishments in that class.


Part I: The Drive Up
I remember quite clearly my drive up to Cornell in the summer of 2016. It was a lovely day on both ends of my trip—the Upper West Side wishing me good luck in the coming year with a warm, blue sky and Ithaca welcoming me with open arms as its sky held in its bladder to save rain for those driving up from New Jersey. It had been a wonderful summer. I worked as a counselor for five year olds. I went to dinner with my family.