TEA TIME WITH JULIAN | A slope day recovery playlist in 9 acts

Songs for May 9


Act 1: Father John Misty – “Nancy From Now On”

Nothing says ‘How did I end up asleep on my friend’s porch?’ quite like a Father John Misty song.  

Act 2: The Fray – “How to Save a Life”

Walk home. Reread your texts from the day before. Grieve.  

Act 3: Tierra Whack – “Only Child”

Make mean eye contact at a CTB employee because you’ve just about had it!

MARY’S MUSINGS | To Those Who Inspire Us

Sometimes a person can change your life without even knowing how much they have impacted you.  I want to talk about one such person who kept me calm as I was rushed to the emergency room with my arm bleeding and my body and dress splattered with red. When my friends called 911 after I tried to commit suicide, there was one EMT responder, a woman, who I will be forever be grateful towards.  She doesn’t know the effect her words had on me, but I wish I could tell her.  As I was being transported to the hospital, I told her what had happened to me and about my flashbacks.