IT’S ONLY LOGICAL | Pangs of Privilege

Part 1:

“Heh, Sam!?”

I bounded up the staircase on all fours, caught the baluster at the top and swung into my parent’s bedroom, gliding on the furnished wood floor Risky Business style. A small pair of brown eyes just barely peaked out over the king-sized bed from the other side of the room. “What’s up?” I asked. “Uh. I got lost…”

I looked at him, puzzled for a few moments, before shrugging and clambering back down the stairs.

THE PERSONAL IS POLITICAL | Hey, Stanford! “Alcohol Culture” Isn’t the Problem. Rape Culture Is.

In the wake of the recent and infamous Brock Turner case, Stanford University has responded with a new policy to combat sexual assault on their campus.  Sexual assault is one of the foremost threats to student safety on college campuses across the nation, affecting one in five women and one in 16 men as of 2015.  The university’s solution?  A ban on hard liquor at campus parties.  The idea behind the policy is that limiting student access to large quantities of hard liquor will construct a safer campus environment.