What I’m Watching to Take My Mind Off This Election

By Harry Ducrepin 

The presidential election is coming up in a few days and thinking about the consequences of America’s choice next Tuesday is both devastating and overwhelming. I’ve spent the past week or so trying to clear my head of the realization of what could soon become reality. So, I’ve been watching a lot of TV and really just engaging in any activity that can take my mind off of it. Don’t get me wrong: I am in no way ignoring or not taking part in this election, as that’s simply not an option for me.  I don’t have the privilege to absolve myself from this election and any associated political discussions, given that my rights and the rights of my loved ones are on the line. All I can do is try and temporarily shield myself from the reality of this election’s outcome through indulging in whatever activities I enjoy.

DESIIGNER | Not All Netflix Views Are Equal

A week ago, my roommate asked me if he could use my Netflix account. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. He was a friend and I had an account, so of course I said yes. A few days later, it hit me that I was subscribed to a product that could be shared amongst as many people as possible—that not all Netflix users are viewed and accounted for equally. After some research, I learned that amongst the deep sea of products and services that charge a routine fee for membership, Netflix actually stands closer to businesses that try to incentivize paying a bit extra for more shared users (e.g. Spotify) than ones that aim to eliminate all loopholes for sharing (e.g. a Cornell gym membership).

WATCH ME IF YOU CAN | Hollywood vs. Television: A Brief History

After World War II, many things changed in American culture. There was a chain reaction, from soldiers returning home to their families, to the baby boomer generation being born. Thanks to the highway systems built in the 1950s under the Eisenhower administration, families were able to move to the suburbs in order to live more comfortably. This suburbanization became the hallmark of the post-World War II period. On weekends and workweek evenings, families with smaller children would stay home and gather around their television as the primary source of entertainment.